Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy Days!

This mama has been extremely busy the last few days. These renovations are killing me! lol I do finally have walls up in my bathroom, the tub/shower is set, hot water is connected, and the floor is tiled! It has only taken 6 weeks! To my husbands defense, he does work all day and he had to completely redo the plumbing and ventilation. In my defense, I haven't been as horrible as I COULD have been. lol

Here's a picture of my tile:

Isn't it pretty? My honey did an amazing job! I'm very thankful that God has given me not only a hardworking husband, but a very handy one as well! :)

Saturday my daughter had a volleyball tournament. We were undefeated all season and came home with a second place trophy. I admit I cried, (I'm the coach) but I couldn't have asked for a better season! Oh, and I held it together until my daughter cried. I can't handle my kiddos crying! These girls are so amazing though. They worked so hard and while it would've been nice to come home with a 1st place trophy, what is MOST important is that they had fun and the played their best!

So, what's going on as I type? I have another batch of yogurt cultivating in the oven with the light on. I tried a stove top method that I vaguely read about, and I tried Nikki's tip from my previous post. I only put a tablespoon of yogurt in there this time. We shall see what happens!

Tomorrow, I start my "loaf a day" bread challenge. I don't know about your house, but in mine, I can't keep. I buy it, I know I do, but it seems that I never see it! I go to the grocery store and by the time I get ready to make a sandwich, it's gone. I think I have bread gremlins here! 

Well, I am going to head to bed. I know this was a boring blog tonight. Hopefully I can come up with something better for you tomorrow! Until then, sleep well! :) 

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